Risk Assessments

Risk assessments

Schools must carry out and record Risk Assessments where there is a significant risk and when they are required as a statutory duty under certain regulations for example manual handling, noise, control of substances hazardous to health etc.  The Risk Assessment will take into account any significant risk that must be assessed, and control measures implemented to reduce the risk to the lowest possible level and any residual risks are managed.

Provided below are a selection of general risk assessments which are provided as a template for schools to undertake their own more complete risk assessment.  They are not intended to be used in a generic form as the actual risk assessment undertaken should reflect the differences which will no doubt be encountered whilst undertaking the risk assessment.

In a school the responsibility of carrying out and implementing risk assessments is the Headteachers unless delegated by the Head to nominated staff.  By delegating this duty, the Headteacher does not release their own responsibility to ensure that these risk assessments are carried out fully, control measures are implemented and that the assessments are reviewed as necessary.

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