New Headteachers

Welcome to headship in Shropshire

I will start by saying welcome to your new headship in Shropshire. I appreciate the range of experience you all bring to and this will vary greatly, for some of you this is all new, for others you are experienced headteachers but maybe new to Shropshire. Whatever your background and category of school I hope the linked documents proves to be a useful guide to the services and support available from the Local Authority.

This induction handbook for new headteachers aims to give you key information at a glance and help your transition into your new role. It provides information including checklists, support structures and arrangements, contacts, services for schools and key dates. It also signposts you to more detailed information elsewhere.

All maintained schools across the county have a named adviser or associate headteacher linked to your school and if you find yourself needing urgent support and are unsure where to turn, please contact your attached adviser or indeed any of the school improvement advisers.

Sue Round (Governor Services Manager) 



Links to further resources