Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR)

Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) is a framework of income, expenditure and balance headings. One of the main aims of CFR is to allow schools to benchmark expenditure at a national level. By comparing spending and consumption patterns of services, all schools will have the tools to promote self-management and value for money.

The CFR framework summarises school level financial information into headings. Some of these headings have been designed for benchmarking and some are included to meet the wider commitment of CFR - that it would be the main source of information about how schools have spent their resources.

The framework aims to meet the needs of all users of school financial information so that schools do not have to supply information about their spending to a number of different audiences.

A CFR return will be required for all schools maintained by LAs at the end of each financial year. This will cover all types of schools that are maintained by Local Education Authorities (LAs): nursery, primary, secondary, middle and special schools and pupil referral units.

For the latest non-payroll CFR list please access 'Account Code List' on ERP. Reports>Global reports>Finance and Procurement>Finance>Account Code List.  Enter * in Cfr2 and click Search for all CFR school codes. 

You can also use the non-payroll list attached which is updated once each term, this includes tabs for capital account codes and analysis codes which are required in addition to some account codes.

The payroll account codes and CFR groups are attached.

Please see 'Finance Review Guidance & Reporting' under 'Training Manuals & Forms' for further guidance or email if you require support.