Risk and Business Continuity

Welcome to the Risk & Business Continuity Teams SLG pages.

We provide a full service in relation to risk management and business continuity advice. These pages aim to provide resources and information to help you in this important area of work.

On these pages you will find out how the Council manages its key business risks and how we can support you in your business continuity management arrangements. You can also download documentation, guidance notes and form templates.

Please use the menu to navigate around these pages. Useful links to external web sites with risk management information on them are also included on the pages.

Risk Management Performance

We are audited annually by internal audit. The most recent audit stated that it was ‘Good’ with no recommendations:

"The Risk Management Strategy was reviewed, developed and updated following the transition to a unitary authority.  The Strategy is comprehensive with roles and responsibilities clearly defined and a system for identifying, categorising, recording and reviewing risk is in operation.  Risk management has evolved into a continuous process.  The Risk Management systems are robust."

Useful websites:

Alarm website (Public Risk Management Association)

Zurich Municipal Website

The Institute of Risk Management


How to arrange training on issues relating to risk and insurance.

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Useful contacts

Contact details for the Risk and BC Team

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Opportunity Risk Management Strategy

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Emergency Response and Business Recovery

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Risk Management

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Risk Register

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