Recommendations in recent Ofsted inspections for group based settings in Shropshire

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should:

  • Build on the arrangements for the supervision, support and monitoring of staff to
    accurately identify ways to enhance teaching further.(September 2024)
  • Refine the curriculum to identify a precise sequence of knowledge, skills and coverage across all key learning areas for children. (September 2024)
  • Extend the monitoring of staff practice to provide children with consistently focused and high-quality learning experiences. (September 2024)
  • Support staff to consider how to extend learning opportunities to fully challenge
    the most able children. (September 2024)
  • Strengthen supervision systems to monitor staff teaching practice, and support
    staff to identify areas for professional development that enable them to raise the
    quality of their practice even further. (September 2024)


  • Strengthen staff supervision further to provide more-focused targets and to
    continuously improve the quality of teaching. (August 2024)
  • Strengthen the arrangements for information-sharing among staff, so that staff
    who work in the toddler room have the same precise knowledge of all children
    who they care for. (August 2024)
  • Review the organisation of mealtimes to ensure that toddlers and babies have
    more face-to-face opportunities to develop their communication skills. (August 2024)
  • Strengthen procedures for sharing next steps with parents, ensuring that targets are clear and help parents to continue children's learning at home. (August 2024)
  • Support staff to further build on what children already know by providing children with even more information and knowledge to enhance their learning. (August 2024)
  • Plan learning experiences that are matched precisely to their specific stage of development to maximise their progress. (August 2024)
  • Review and enhance daily routines to maximise learning for children across the curriculum. (August 2024)

To meet the requirements of the EYFS the provider must:

  • Ensure that any changes to the registered body are notified to Ofsted within the required time frame.(September 2024)
  • Ensure that the nominated individual improves their understanding of the requirement to inform Ofsted of all committee members to allow the required suitability checks to be completed. (August 2024)