Healthier Weight Strategy 2024-2028

This 2023 –2028 Healthier Weight Strategy sets out our system-wide approach and priorities to improve health and promote healthier weight among the Shropshire population. Our ambition is to ensure Shropshire residents have the opportunity to eat healthy, nutritious food and enjoy physical activity in a way that best suits them. Evidence indicates this will reduce levels of excess weight
and weight-related illness in Shropshire.

The Healthier Weight Strategy priorities will be delivered through 3 key delivery themes. One of these, Prevention in Early Years, promotes healthier weight across the life course, with a focus on reducing inequalities and supporting those most at risk. Supporting pregnant women and families in understanding the importance of giving children the best start in life is key to prevention, as infancy provides a critical window during which the foundations for a healthy life are set.

What will be needed to achieve this?

-Promoting and supporting an increase in breastfeeding, particularly for younger and more deprived groups
-Promoting and supporting the introduction of healthy solid foods
-Supporting parents and families to live healthily and introduce healthy eating, physical activity and good sleeping and screen time habits from early infancy
-Enabling early years professionals and early years settings to promote and support healthy eating, physical activity, and good sleep habits.


Links to further resources

Eating a healthier balanced diet

Resources to support a healthier balanced diet

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Promoting physical activity

Information and resources to promote physical activity in Early Years settings

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Start for life campaign

Trusted NHS help and advice for parents / carers

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